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Create your own word cloud from any text to visualize word frequency.
Your word cloud is empty.
Check your source and options, then try again.

Choose your text source:

Paste text to be visualized:
plain text, 500 kilobyte max
Web page URL:
e.g. http://myblog.com
Upload a file:
plain text, 5 megabyte max


Language of text:
Ignore common words in this language
Maximum number of words to show?
25 - 100 is a good range
Minimum frequency?
Don't show infrequent words
Show frequencies?
Show word count next to each word

Group similar words? (English only)
eg: learn, learned, learning -> learn

Convert to lowercase?
eg: PhD -> phd, FBI -> fbi, Rio -> rio

Don't show these words:
Exclude unwanted words.